2007年9月15日 星期六


7 則留言:

aurora 提到...


這張照片看起來實在酷斃了! 不禁會令人嚮往也去一趟神洲之旅! 有這麼多的馬隊 都是遊客嗎?! 能否形容一下當時你們 騎著馬走在大沙漠的感覺呢?! 在那裡的水是否非常地珍貴?!

匿名 提到...

很像電影中尋找寶藏的探險隊伍 -佩玲-

Unknown 提到...

小江, 佩玲:


---騎著是中國雙峯駱駝, 中東的是單峯



---有朋友問我, 駱駝有否跟我吐口水, 我說我的駱駝任勞任怨任重道遠, 我一再跟他道謝。讓我騎了一個半鐘頭, 在攝氏40 度啊!

---奇妙的是一眼月牙泉竟然在不遠的那裡.距離20分鐘的路程, 我們也去了.

---我們後來去了莫高窟, 陽關, 沿路許多綠洲, 值得一遊。


---The most important, avoid boring people, then you will have a good time, no matter where you go.


aurora 提到...


謝謝分享! 原來你們騎的是雙峯駱駝啊! ( 從照片上看 覺得牠們的背上怎麼有這麼多毛?! 仔細看 跟馬兒長相差蠻多的!) 妳說的對! 旅遊的"同伴" 的確很重要! 和不同的人去同樣的地方玩, 會有不同的感受.

匿名 提到...

有部電影“The story of the weeping camel" 敍述在戈壁沙漠上有戶人家,養了只母駱駝棄養她生的小駱駝,主人找來樂師,心理治療母駱駝,終於讓媽媽感動得哭了,願意喂養小駱駝的故事。阿娟。

Unknown 提到...


That sounds like a touching movie.
Now that I have camel ride, I really like to watch more films about camels and deserts. I will check it out.

If you enlarge the picture, you will see the camels are quite big.
There are five camels in our pack. SL's was the leader and my camel has a bell that rang all the way. The camel boy told me that mine was the star, which means he was the most handsome one.

Well, a friend of mine has been to Kuwait many times and he told me about the Camel Beauty Queen Contest. For me,a camel is a camel, I could never distinguish the beauty or ugliness of a camel, for the people who live with the camels long enough, there is a distinction. I guess I have not seen enough camels.

Writing in English seems to be easier nowadays, which saves so much of my time. Folks, sorry.


匿名 提到...

I agree with you. Entering Chinese is so time consuming. May be we are not good at it. Lih-Jane